Monday, April 28, 2008

2nd Samuel

God promised David he'd be king one day, and David lets God take care of making it happen. He has many opportunities to assert his power and even assassinate the current king, but he refuses to harm or even insult "the Lord's annointed". David's son Absalom, however, is alwasy taking matters into his own hands--taking revenge on his brother, manipulating his father to get what he wants, staging a coup. Why the two different attitudes/life views? Which person do you admire more? Why?

1st Samuel 21

David's father-in-law has it in for him and is chasing him around with an army trying to kill him. So David runs to safety with a neighboring king. But the neighboring king has heard that David is next in line for the throne back home and is a strong warrior, so he's a little worried to be harboring this fellow. So David pretends to be insane, scratching on doors and drooling down his beard. The king says to his men, "Must you bring me a madman? We already have enough of them around here! Why should I let someone like this be my guest?"